Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Vivienne's Birth

I've made it a habit to write down my labor experiences for my kids. My mom did it for my birth and I always enjoyed reading the story as I got older. I've shared the last few here on the blog and I'm doing so with Vivienne's story. It's written as if I'm speaking to her because it's for her, you just get a peak into our conversation.

Vivienne’s Birth

Your birth, Vivienne, was a completely different story than any of your brothers and sisters. After William, Daddy didn’t know if he wanted any more babies but I was not quite ready to be done. In late February we found out that we were pregnant. On April8th I began to bleed and we lost that baby. Five short weeks later I again got a positive pregnancy test. I had poison ivy all over my legs and was going to the doctor to get something for it when Daddy suggested I take a pregnancy test just to make sure I could have the steroids the doctor would prescribe. As it turned out, I was expecting you and just had to suffer through the poison ivy. Thankfully, it didn’t last long.

We again opted to not find out whether you were a girl or a boy at the ultrasound. The ultrasound tech was fantastic and went out of her way to keep your gender a secret. I thought for sure you were a boy just based on some of the symptoms that I had during pregnancy and the fact that Daddy and I had so quickly agreed on a girl’s name but couldn’t agree on a boy’s name.

Fast forward several months and you were late! William had been overdue and it looked like you were going to follow suit. It was different this time, though. With William I had been so panicked and so concerned that I was going to have to be induced or that something would go wrong and I’d have to have a c-section. With you I was not panicked at all. I had peace that everything was going to be OK and that you would come when you were ready.

At 1:00am, Saturday morning, January 17th, I started having contractions. They were pretty irregular and even when they got a little more regular they were still only 6 minutes apart. I had learned by labor number six that anything over 5 minutes apart can stop at any time. I didn’t get too excited. I got out of bed and watched a Netflix for a while. At about 3 your brother woke up and I rocked him for a bit. William is almost as notorious for not sleeping as Jillian was. My contractions slowed down considerably at that time. At about 4am I decided to go back to bed. The contractions slowed more and I slept the rest of the night with only a few contractions waking me here and there. All during the day the 17th we had plans. Uncle Ben Widmer’s birthday party was at 11:30 and Elissa Garcia’s birthday party was at 4:30. Daddy wanted to know if I wanted to stay home since I was still having contractions but they were so random I didn’t want to stay and be anxious. We decided to go about our day and stick with the plans we had unless something changed. And that’s exactly what we did. I had contractions all through the day and they hurt but nothing ever got regular so I didn’t think we were that close. We got home from all our partying at about 8pm and Daddy helped me bathe your brothers and sisters for church the next day. I set out clothes for the girls and we got everyone to bed.

Everyone got to go to bed but me. Aunt Val and Aunt Sandy had both sent me text messages asking if I thought you were coming soon but I told them both I didn’t think so. I guess that’s what I get for thinking I knew what you were up to. At 11pm my contractions again went to 6 minutes apart. I decided to sit on the yoga ball and watch HGTV shows on Netflix. Daddy went to sleep at 12:30. By 1:30am, January 18th contractions were 4 minutes apart. I woke Daddy up and told him I couldn’t take it anymore. The contractions hurt, I was 40 weeks, 5 days gestation, and even if they needed to give me Pitocin at the hospital I just needed to be done. He told me he thought this was definitely labor. I called Aunt Sandy to come and stay with your siblings and then I called Doctor Owen to let her know we were coming. Aunt Sandy got here at about 2:15 and we left for the hospital shortly thereafter.

All during the drive to the hospital contractions were 4 minutes apart and pretty intense. Both Daddy and I were thinking that it seemed like transition contractions but neither of us wanted to say that and be disappointed when we got to the hospital. I got to the OB unit a little before 3 and as it was the last few times the night nurses couldn’t get an IV in. I really miss those veteran labor and delivery night nurses! Anyway, they called anesthesia and got an IV in and started my antibiotics. The resident, Dr. Denny, checked me and said that I was 6-7cm dilated but that you were -2 and posterior. Shocker, all my babies like to be posterior. She said, “We just have to get this baby to turn and it will come flying out.” I thought, “Yeah, right. None of my babies come flying out.”

After they got the IV in and everything settled I sat on the ball for a while and then they set up the squat stool and squat bar for me. I told Daddy I needed to do something because I didn’t just want to sit and think about how much the contractions hurt so he turned on an episode of FRIENDS on his iPad. We watched and Daddy used a method we developed over the course of all my different labors to get you to turn. I watched an episode, about 20minutes, and then I felt a lot more pressure. I was the only person in the OB unit and when I yelled “OUCH!!,” 3 nurses and the resident came running in the room. Dr. Denny checked again and I was 8cm dilated, zero station and you had turned! She was sure that you were just going to fly out and I was sure that you weren’t going to. None of your brothers and sister had been that cooperative.

We turned on another episode of FRIENDS and watched half when my water broke and I started to feel the need to push. Dr. Owen walked in and we were ready to rock. I still didn’t think you were really going to come out and I began begging for Nubain. They told me that I was going to deliver and didn’t need it because it wouldn’t help. You were coming and they didn’t want to depress your breathing when you were born! At this point I freaked out because I’ve always had Nubain and didn’t know what to expect without it. I got on the bed on my hands and knees and started to push. But I also started to yell! “Give me Nubain, even half a dose,” “I can’t do this!” and then, “I’m going to pass out!” At this point your Daddy said, “Quit your yelling and breathe!” This still makes me laugh just thinking about it. He was so unsympathetic (which I find hysterical) but it was exactly what I needed. A few more pushes and you were out.

As I said before, I really thought that you were a boy and Daddy did a double take and said, “Jen, it’s a girl!” The nurses asked what your name was and your Daddy right away said, “Vivienne Jane.” The time was 5:11, less than 2 and ½ hours after getting to the hospital and you weighed in at 7lbs 12oz and 20” long. Your head was 13 1/4'” around.

Your sisters were so excited that you were a girl. Even over 2 weeks later you’re still creating a stir around here. They want to hold you constantly. Your brothers love you and also don’t want to leave you alone. You’re pretty spoiled since between me, Daddy, your brothers and sisters you are held constantly! Jill constantly thanks God for you and says that you’re the perfect baby for our family and I agree! We are so glad you’ve joined our family.