Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Random rantings of a pregnant woman

It’s been a bit of a rough day and since I am forgoing my iPod this week for a church fast I have had a lot of time to think, so read at your own peril. These are the random rantings of a cranky pregnant woman.

My first thought came to me while cleaning the bathroom. Lots of deep thinking takes place in the bathroom you know. It was about bleach. Bleach gets such a bad rap. I get tired of bleach being slammed so much. Bleach is bad for you, bad for the environment, blah, blah, blah. Everyone sings the praises of Lysol wipes and their special green cleaners. But have you ever read the back of those cleaners? In order to sterilize anything it has to sit wet for 10 minutes. Have you ever tried to wet something enough with a Lysol wipe to get it to stay wet for 10 minutes? I’m pretty sure it’s next to impossible. Can you imagine the poor helpless saps that spend their time trying to wring out a Lysol wipe so that the surface gets wet enough to remain that way for 10 minutes. Let me save you some time; it ain’t gonna happen.

The same thing goes for those green cleaners. They have to stay wet for 10 minutes to sterilize too. Maybe lots of people have time to let their bathrooms stay wet for 10 minutes but I certainly don’t. With only one bathroom in the house I’m lucky if I get to leave something wet for 10 seconds before cleaning it. Usually what happens is I spray my  cleaner and if by magic someone hears the sound of the spray and comes dancing into the bathroom with an urgent need to use the toilet that absolutely must happen now or I will be cleaning a puddle from the floor. But I digress.  So here we are, spraying enough of something to makes sure it stays wet for 10 minutes so we can actually clean the bathroom. Bleach doesn't do that. You spray that sucker on and BAM, you've killed your germs. None of this waiting just lots of germ killing. It’s a wonderful thing! And it’s environmentally friendly. According to my husband, water neutralizes the bleach…so spray, rinse, and done! Plus, if you grew up in my house you would know that nothing is actually clean until it smells like bleach.

I for one will be a defender of bleach. It is a trusty standby that has fallen victim to the latest fads in cleaning.

My second rant comes because I was reading a FB post by a local school district that was reporting that something was returned to someone completely “in tact.” Now, the last I checked, “intact” was one word. In fact (not to be confused with intact) every time I type “in tact” my computer goes bat excrement crazy trying to tell me that it’s one word. I know, everyone is entitled or maybe “in titled” to their spelling mistakes now and again but if you’re going to post for a school district I suggest checking your spelling prior to hitting the “post” button. I totally almost pointed it out on the thread, but I used the last modicum of self-control I had for today and let it be.

This minor incident is compounded by my recent visit to Marcos Pizza. In the shop there were many letters written by some lovely little school children thanking the nice pizza people for their pizza party. Each letter started as follows: Dear friends, blah, blah, blah. Does anyone see the problem with that? If you said that the “f” should be capitalized, you win! Every single one of those letters had a lowercase “f” in the word friend. This leads me to believe that the example they were following was done incorrectly as well. GAH! It’s enough to make my head want to explode…who are we let teach our impressionable young minds?

Well now, there you have it. Those are my rants for the day. Bleach and spelling…they have nothing in common...but they've made me nuts today and now you got to share in my insanity. You’re welcome.

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