Monday, November 5, 2012

I Find It Ironic That The Medical Realm Makes My Head Want To Explode

Well, I’ve had five pregnancies now and without getting too technical I can tell you that my platelet count has gone down each pregnancy. The medical term for this is pregnancy induced thrombocytopenia. Fancy schmancy for my platelets (which are supposed to be 150,000 – 400,000 and run on the low side normally) get down below the “normal” mark when I get pregnant. So it should not come as a shock to anyone when they do this again, right? Yeah, you would think…but not so.
I get a call from the Dr’s office this morning that goes something like this. Oh, but first you should know that my thoughts are in italics and my actual words are in quotation marks…they’re drastically different.

“Hi, this is Suzy (We’ll call her Suzy) from Dr. X’s office. We got the results from the blood we drew on Friday and your platelets have continued to drop” Um…duh…. “and so Dr. X has ordered you to have more blood drawn. Where do you want to have it drawn?”

“OK, what was the platelet count and what does she want drawn?”

Nurse Suzy reluctantly gives me the answers including the fact that the draw we are doing is for autoimmune diseases, there are technical names but seriously it’s all like, ‘blah, blah, blah.’

WTH…this happens EVERY time. Do we really think that it’s suddenly an autoimmune problem?

So I say, “Well, I have a really busy day today and tomorrow, can this be done later in the week?”

“No, this has to be done today, tomorrow at the latest.”

Let me just take a break here from the conversation to say that I don’t HAVE to do anything. Ok, maybe I have to breathe but that’s only if I don’t want to pass out and then die. This probably highlights some deep problem with authority or something that I have but seriously, don’t tell me I have to do anything. That’s pretty much the quickest way to make me ignore you. So now, I’m mad. Are you kidding me? Do I really have to drop everything to get a test done for a problem that we’ve dealt with five times now?

                Then Nurse Suzy asks again, “Where do you want to have it done? Here or the hospital?”

                “Your office would be easier”

                “Hmmmm, well, I’m not sure I can fit you in and I’m trying to think if any of these tests have to get to the lab within a certain amount of time…”

                THEN WHY DID YOU ASK ME????

                “Well then, you might as well send it to St. Charles”

At this point I hang up and consult with my medical counsel who says, “Just tell them ‘no.’” I almost fell out of my chair. That was not the answer I expected. Then he says, “Didn’t the hematologist do these tests before. Call back and find out if we’re duplicating tests.

So I call back and probably give the receptionist a headache when I refuse to leave a message and insist that I’ll hold for the NP. Yeah, I’m a pain like that.

After talking to the NP who says she’ll look for the prior tests she then says, “But can I get back to you though because we’re kind of busy right now.”

                GAAAAAAHHHHHHHH…..I’m not the one who made this sound so urgent that all my little platelets will keel over and die if I don’t get the test done in 30.5 seconds.

                But I say, “Sure.” See people….I have self-control and tact and I actually use it sometimes.

Turns out they can’t find any results from this particular previous test so she called back and told me that the Dr. so generously told me I can bump the test back to Wednesday.

I readily acknowledge that I have a problem with medical personnel, especially when I feel things aren’t necessary but I’m not completely unreasonable. Why must we use phrases like, “You HAVE to” and “It’s OK with me if you move your test back a day.” Is she the freaking Queen of England? Dern straight it’s OK with you. It’s either Wednesday or nothing.

This all ended with Matthew suggesting that I sign a waiver the next time I’m in the office to give him access to all my medical information. This is probably a good idea. I'm usually very serious when I say my favorite Dr. is Dr. Pepper. It is completely ironic that this is my husband's chosen profession. Maybe I should just let him do the talking from now on or I may end up getting myself sedated. 

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