Friday, April 22, 2016


            As many of you know from my whiny statuses, I’m on a lose-the-last-of-my-baby-weight kick, at least for this week. My hubby is also super amazing at keeping himself in shape and eating right. As part of his effort he has purchased some protein powder which he insists is wonderful mixed with his morning coffee. I, myself, am an iced coffee fanatic. I have it down to an exact science. One medium to bold K-Cup, cooled a bit with 1 T of heavy cream and 1 T of your chosen flavored coffee creamer. Add some ice and it’s better than Starbucks. I usually have one in the morning and then dream about it until the next day when the thought of my iced coffee helps me rouse myself to the screaming children.

            There are days, however, that call for more than one iced coffee. At 100 calories a pop I don’t want to drink all my calories for the day so it has to be absolutely necessary to indulge. Today is one of those days. There is excessive amount of wailing happening. The baby got her 15 mo. imms yesterday so she has an excuse. The boys….oh, the boys…they have no reason to be so ill at ease with life, and yet, they are. There was the “my waffle tore so I must have another one” incident, followed by the “why won’t you make me lunch NOW after I insisted I wasn’t hungry and you sat down to eat your lunch” incident. There have also been numerous spills and demands, including the child currently laying at my feet screaming for a treat. (Does that ever work? Why do they think it should?)

            So, I thought to myself. “Self, let’s go get another coffee. It’s just one of those days. It’ll be worth it.” Then I thought, “Hey, Matt keeps saying that the protein shake stuff is really good in coffee and instead of 100 empty calories maybe they can be chuck full of energy! Yes! Energy! I need energy!” So, I made my K-Cup, cooled it for the appropriate amount of time and mixed in the vanilla protein powder. I smelled it first. That’s in the Widmer code of conduct…you must smell new things before you put them in your mouth to make sure they’re safe. It smelled really good. “Great,” I thought, “this is the beginning of a whole new world of iced coffees.” Next, I added ice and the straw and took a great big swig. My reaction is best summed up in the words of Whoa Susannah and her grocery store Vlog, “MERCIFUL HEAVENS, WHAT NEW HELL IS THIS!?!?!?!”

                        “Why! Why is this so bad?” I wondered to myself. It tasted like someone had stuck a vanilla bean between their sweaty toes and waded through my coffee. It was salty and overly sweet and did not resemble my iced coffee at all. “Now what do I do?” I didn’t want to waste my coffee, it is earth day after all, so I contemplated saving it. To be sure I took another swig! ACK! “Why?! Why would I do that again?” “More Ice, more ice had to be the answer. I grabbed my blender (which I hate to clean so you know I was desperate) and I put ice in it and threw in the coffee and tried to blend it. I say tried because the coffee/protein mixture wouldn’t mix with the ice. “Seriously, what is this stuff? It doesn’t blend with water?” You would have thought that I would have given up, but sadly no. I continued to mix and blend. It grew! I held on to the lid for dear life. Finally, I stopped the blender and tried to put it back into my cup, or half of it. The ice had now doubled the volume. Ya’ll, I actually put it back into my mouth. I just drank as fast as I could. I still couldn’t bring myself to waste the coffee. Alas, after drinking the first half I couldn’t do it anymore. It was so bad.

            I have now tried one of the leading MLM shakes (which tasted like someone took my multivitamin and blended it into liquid) and an off the shelf protein powder and I cannot for the life of me understand why people drink this crap? It’s for real a multi-million dollar market! The only conclusion I can draw is that there must be crack in it. It’s gotta have some sort of addictive qualities. If anyone finds me twitching in the corner, from withdrawals, not from the children, which might be hard to differentiate, we’ll know for sure.

            Guys, I had to eat a half a bag of Cheez-Its and some chocolate covered blueberries to get the taste out of my mouth. Now, I’m slightly concerned about the possibility of anal leakage as an after effect. I just don’t know… I can’t even… I think I’d rather starve. Well, no, that’s not true. I’d rather eat cookies, but since that’s currently not an option I think I’d rather starve. If someone comes up with a protein packed, good for you cookie, that doesn’t include banana or peanut butter (gag, but that’s another rant) let me know. Until then, I shall return to my beloved iced coffee once a day and pray that the children don’t run me into the loony bin.

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