Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Year in Review

…I will look up, for there is none above You. I will bow down to tell You that I need You, Jesus, Lord of all. I will look back and see that You are faithful. I look ahead, knowing You are able, Jesus, Lord of All. Jesus, Lord of All… (Elevation Worship)

At this time last year I was, to borrow a phrase from Anne of Green Gables, in “the depths of despair.” I was 37 weeks pregnant, ready to be done and exhausted. I was looking forward into 2015 and seeing myself as a “single” parent frequently. It looked like Matt, with away rotations and military obligations, was going to be gone for more than 3 months out of the year. I know that there are many military families who face deployments and training much longer than three months but with the last 4 years of medical school absence so clear in my memory, my heart was not ready for such a separation.

In addition to the upcoming absences, we were also struggling financially. Medical School can take a toll on one’s finances and the secret they don’t tell you is that Residency is worse. I pity the poor unsuspecting person who makes a comment about Physicians being overpaid in my presence. By the end of last year we had experienced 6 years of struggle and because of Matt’s busy schedule I was one who would play financial Tetris to make things work. I was burnt out. Matt had tried several things to bail us out, including the National Guard – which he was in, but not yet being paid, and getting his unrestricted license to be able to moonlight for extra income. Every avenue he tried wasn’t panning out. I didn’t honestly believe anything was going to change.

My outlook about the upcoming year was bleak, to say the least. In January, trying to steel myself from the struggles ahead I started a 20 day Bible study by Havilah Cunnington called, “I Do Hard Things,” and honestly I cried my way through most of it as God spoke to my heart. The thing that stuck out the most was this statement (that I’ll paraphrase): We create these scenarios in our heads, we imagine how we think things are going to look or how people are going to react and then we attach our emotions to them. We become emotionally invested in things that have not yet happened and it’s a giant waste of time and energy. WOW! That is exactly what I had been doing and it needed to change. I didn’t know what my year would hold so why was I despairing now? That helped my perspective…a lot!

Another thing helping my perspective was the delivery of Vivienne! I’m not the norm, but I’m always MORE rested when I have a newborn than I am at the end of the pregnancy. As soon as I get out of the hospital and I can do things my way and on my terms I’m a better person. Vivi was no exception and has been an ideal child…way to make me sad that you’re the last baby, kid.
In February God did what we couldn’t! Matt’s back pay came through and also his unrestricted license, allowing him to moonlight. Over this year we’ve watched our income double and we’ve been able to pay of a new car’s worth of debt in less than a year. I am grateful to have a husband who works a full time job, three part time jobs, and a contingent job to get us through this time. I love how we play a part and God picks up and completes the work.

Over the spring and summer I watched as what we thought would be long periods of separation for our family unraveled and fall apart, and the ones that remained were covered in grace. Matt’s weekend drills weren’t as big of a deal as I’d anticipated and because his audition rotation at his chosen Sports Medicine Fellowship program went so well he didn’t have to do many out of town. In fact, he was gone just one week! One week instead of 3 month! I cannot tell you how happy that has made me. My life is always distinctly better when my husband is by my side.

As we looked forward to 2015, we didn’t think we’d be able to take a family vacation, but we’ve had three! THREE! Sometimes I’m amazed at the extravagance of my heavenly Daddy! Our family get-a-way to the cabin in Canada in August fell into perfect place. Then, God gave me a kiss – a nod that my dreams weren’t forgotten – in the form of a sports medicine conference in MN on the dancer’s hip. Day one of the conference was for the medical professional and day two was for the dancer! I learned so much and spent many of the lectures sitting in the back in tears of amazement that even this Mama of 6 could continue my dance dreams.

One of the things that we thought would cause times of separation was a medical policy program to which Matt got accepted. Only 10 people in the nation were selected for this program and Matt was one. It’s quite the honor but it requires conferences in NYC, DC, Chicago, and AZ. The December conference was in DC so we packed up the kids and went a few days early for their first trip to our Nation’s Capital. DC is one of my favorite places, although, I’ve not been there many times. Our time there as a family was precious, even if Elaina was miffed that we not going to a shopping mall but, “a large plot of land that they could build a mall on!”

God spoke to me through my kids the other day. Jillian was playing a game on her tablet and Evelyn watched. Jill quit a round and Evelyn asked her why she quit. Jill’s response was that she was going to lose so she just quit. Evelyn said, “No you weren’t. You just had to shoot this ball over here and then you would have won!” At that point God said to me, “You do that, you know. You quit when you think you’re going to lose but you can’t see what I can see. Don’t quit because you’re going to win.”

I know that this has been a year of reaping for us. I believe there is more reaping to come but I also know that there will be periods of sowing, more times where we will be giving to accomplish the call that God has placed on our lives. But what a year of learning this was for me. I cannot attach my emotions to events that I don’t know are going to happen, it is a good thing to look for the harvest, and I can’t quit just because I think I’m going to lose!

I look back and see His faithfulness and I now look ahead to 2016 knowing that He is able to not just help me survive but to thrive!

I thank God for His goodness to us and I pray that you experience His overwhelming love for you this year.
